



Dear Colleagues,


Welcome to visit NCKU and participate the 23rd Spring School on Particles and Fields.


The school will be taken place at the B1, 1st Lecture Room, International Conference Hall, Kuang-Fu Campus, NCKU. The detailed relative position of the Conference Hall could be referred to the webpage http://www.ncts.ncku.edu.tw/phys/pf/100331/map.php .


If you would like to read the slides of lectures, please visit the webpage http://www.ncts.ncku.edu.tw/phys/pf/100331/program.php .

So far, Prof. Quigg has uploaded his first lecture and provides some useful references for his lectures and Prof. Langacker has uploaded his slides for his 4-lecture.


The bus provided by the School for those who take HSR will be parked at the bus stop of Exit-2. The floor plan of Tainan station of HSR could be referred to the webpage http://www.thsrc.com.tw/TC/travel/travel_station_tainan.asp . Please have a check. Since there are also other free shuttle buses provided by HSR at Exit-2, therefore, if you would like take the School Bus, you have to notice the difference. In order to avoid confusing, Dr. Ho-Chin Tsai and another student will be there to help you.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact with me or Ms. Jhuang by phys@ncts.ncku.edu.tw . Thank you very much.


Best Regards

Chuan Hung

On behalf of the organization







3rd Bulletin The 23rd Taiwan Spring School on Particles and Fields will be held in NCKU from 31 March to 3 April, 2010. Please forward the information to your students, postdoctors and colleagues. They are all welcome to participate. For detailed informa  .....<More>
2nd Bulletin The 23rd Taiwan Spring School on Particles and Fields will be held in NCKU from 31 March to 3 April, 2010. Please forward the information to your students, postdoctors and colleagues. They are all welcome to participate........ <more>
1st Bulletin

The 23rd Taiwan Spring School on Particles and Fields will be hosted by National Cheng-Kung University (NCKU) at Tainan during March 31-April 3, 2010. We welcome all of you to participate then. ... ... <more>