



Dear Colleagues,


The 23rd Taiwan Spring School on Particles and Fields will be held in NCKU from 31 March to 3 April, 2010. Please forward the information to your students, postdoctors and colleagues. They are all welcome to participate. For detailed information, please visit the website at http://www.ncts.ncku.edu.tw/phys/pf/100331/index.php .


The agenda of spring school now is available. Please have a check at http://www.ncts.ncku.edu.tw/phys/pf/100331/program.php .


Due to the limited budget, the applicants for accommodation support will be paired in one room and arranged to live in Guesthouse and GuangHua hotel. We cannot afford to pay the hotel with higher rank. As to the transportation support, only round-trip ticket of Tze-Chiang Hao is provided, thus we don ' t need the train-ticket receipt, however to fill out some form is necessary. If the applicants would like to take the high speed train, they should pay partially by themselves or be partially sponsored by their own group.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact with me or Ms. Jhuang by phys@ncts.ncku.edu.tw . Thank you very much.



Best Regards

Chuan Hung

On behalf of the organization
