

General Information


■ Introduction


The 23rd Spring School on Particles and Fields (SS2010) will be held on March 31 to April 3, 2010 at NCKU, Tainan. The main purpose of the school is to introduce to graduate students recent progress on important and hot topics in particles and fields.


■ Lectures


Graciela B. Gelmini (UCLA, USA) : Particle Dark Matter: Candidates and Searches

Boris Kayser (FermiLab, USA ) : Neutrino Physics

Paul Langacker (Princeton, USA) : Beyond the Standard Model: Supersymmetry, Grand Unification, and Extended Electroweak Symmetry

Chris Quigg (FermiLab, USA): Potential Discoveries at the Large Hadron Collider


■ Program Committee


Chuan-Hung Chen (Chair, NCKU), Kingman Cheung (NTHU), Pei-Ming Ho (NTU), Otto Kong (NCU), Dashin Lee (NDHU), Wolung Lee (NTNU), David Lin (NCTU), Chopin Soo (NCKU), Chung-Hsiang Wang (NUU), Henry Wong (AS) , Kwei-Chou Yang (CYCU)


■ Contact


Ms. Jhuang

TEL:886-6-2757575 ext. 65081


Email: phys@ncts.ncku.edu.tw


■ Sponsors


National Science Council (NSC)

National Cheng-Kung U. (NCKU)

The Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP)

Physics Division, National Center for Theoretical Sciences (PD, NCTS)

Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica (IOP, AS)

Tung Sheng Chang Foundation of Culture and Education