



Dear Colleagues,


The 23rd Taiwan Spring School on Particles and Fields will be held in NCKU from 31 March to 3 April, 2010. Please forward the information to your students, postdoctors and colleagues. They are all welcome to participate.


The on-line registration is available at http://www.ncts.ncku.edu.tw/phys/pf/100331/index.php since 1 Feb and the deadline for registration is on 14 March. The School site is located at the International Conference Hall on Kuang-Fu Campus. For detailed information, please visit the website

http://www.ncts.ncku.edu.tw/phys/pf/100331/map.php .


Due to the limited budget, if local students (master and doctor levels) and postdoctors cannot get support from their groups, their transportation or/and accommodations shared with roommates may be provided after review by the committee. The application for financial support should be submitted before the deadline of registration.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact with me or Ms. Jhuang by phys@ncts.ncku.edu.tw . Thank you very much.


Best Regards

Chuan Hung

On behalf of the organization
