

Tainan Local Tour









Tainan was established in 1620. It was the first walled city in Taiwan and was also the place of origin of the name “Taiwan.” Tainan City is located south of the Tropic of Cancer; it has a sub-tropical monsoon climate, warm and with a small amount of rainfall though the year.

Tainan enjoys very rich natural resources and ecosystems of many kinds. The river ecosystem at the juncture of Zengwen River and the sea in particular attracts migratory birds to inhabit, such as black-faced spoonbills, one of the internationally endangered species, which periodically migrate here through the winter. And many other attractions with charming scenery by seas and rivers are especially right choices for tourists to escape from the summer heat. Take mangrove forests around the sea lagoons for example. Its one-and-only ecosystem with rivers along costal lines carrying lots of sand deposits happens to be a beneficial environment nurturing a rich collection of fish, shrimps, crabs, and shellfish. Little egrets and fiddler crabs are also among them.

Jingzaijiao Tile-Paved Salt Field
Jingzaijiao Tile-Paved Salt Field, which has 200 years of history since the first salt field was made in 1818, is the oldest salt field in Taiwan. The wise ancestors put the tile debris at the bottom of the salt field and introduced the seawater to the field. Afterwards, the salt farmers collected the crystallized sun-dried salt from the tile debris. The salt fields along the coast are so spectacular as if white chessboards extended to the sea horizon. The natural sun-dried salts are gradually being replaced by factory fabricated salts because of the high cost of manpower. Therefore, Jingzaijiao Tile-Paved Salt Field has been transformed into a tourist salt field. Tourists are able to experience the steps of salt production such as drying, screening and collecting salts, and learn the traditional salt fabrication process.

Sicao Mangrove Green Tunnel
Behind Dazhong Temple at Sicao, the mangrove trees entangle and form overhead a phenomenal arch tunnel that stretches along both banks of the scenic waterway. The tunnel provides a wonderful opportunity to observe different species of mangrove trees: grey mangroves, black mangroves, stilted mangroves (Rhizophora stylosa), and their associated plants, such as blinding trees (Excoecaria agallocha Linn) and fragrant pittosporum (Pittosporum formosanum Hayata), as well as a variety of animals (fiddler crabs, mudskippers, etc.) that reflects intertidal biodiversity.


Anping Fort
As a Level-1 Historic Monument, the fort is the first in Taiwan to adopt western style. It was called Taiwan City and Fort Zeelandia. After Taiwan was retroceded to R.O.C., The name “Fort Zeelandia” was changed to “Anping Fort”. The walls, platform, hall, observatory and park are all well maintained and open to the public.


Tentative Timetable

13:00              Departure

13:45-14:30  Jingzaijiao Tile-Paved Salt Field

15:10-16:00  Sicao Mangrove Green Tunnel

16:20-18:00  Anping "Fort Zeelandia" and vicinity

18:30              NCKU



A minimum of 20 people is required to form the group


Estimated Price

TWD 1200 (based on 20 persons, including: English-speaking tour guide, transportation, boat ticket, and insurance. )



Online credit card / Cash at registration desk



online ( before 16 May)