If you would like to enjoy the discounted room rate shown in the accommodation page, tick one of the followings (the accommodation of all invited speakers will be reserved directly by the workshop organizer)
Reservation through the workshop organizer? No
● Room type (please indicate your preferred hotel and room type):
*Note that the actual room reserved may differ from your preference depending on the availability of the hotel room.
Night of Dec. 9
Night of Dec. 10
Night of Dec. 11
Night of Dec. 12
Night of Dec. 13
● Roommate: To be shared with
(Please indicate if you would like the workshop organizer to assign roommates for you)
※為確實掌握出席人數,需住宿之學生每人酌收住宿保證金新台幣 1000 元整。匯款方式請見下方Notices說明。